Jāmi‘ al-ašyā’ | Monography or Translations of known period | Natural sciences | Survey | Perso-Indica

Natural sciences

Monography or Translations of known period
Bāqir Ḥusayn Ḫān, Jāmi‘ al-ašyā’

[Preliminary Entry] The Jāmi‘ al-ašyā’ was written in the Carnatic by Ḥakīm Bāqir Ḥusayn Ḫān (d. 1832-33) and completed by Nūr Muḥammad Ḫurāsanī. It deals with the plants, flowers, birds, fish and other animals of South India.

Edition:  Jāmi‘ al-ašyā’, Hakim Abdul Qadir Ahmad, ed., Madras, Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, 1369/1950. 

Main Persian Title: Jāmi‘ al-ašyā’
Author: Bāqir Ḥusayn Ḫān