Mir’āt al-qiyāfa | Monography or Translations of known period | Survey | Perso-Indica

Monography or Translations of known period
Vraja Mohana Maḥsūrī, Mir’āt al-qiyāfa

[Preliminary Entry] A treatise on the sāmudrika attributed to Vraja Mohana Maḥsūrī, probably the same Vraja Mohana who authored the Maḫzan al-‘ulūm. As in the section on sāmudrika in the Tuḥfat al-hind (q.v.), the Mir’āt al-qiyāfa is divided in two chapters, on men and women. 

F. S.


Sachau, E. - Ethé, H., 1889, Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindūstānī, and Pushtū Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, vol. 1, cc. 1083-1084

Main Persian Title: Mir’āt al-qiyāfa
Author: Vraja Mohana Maḥsūrī
Approximate period of composition: 1800-1850