Dastūr al-aṭibbā’ | Monography or Translations of known period | Medicine | Survey | Perso-Indica


Monography or Translations of known period
Muḥammad Qāsim Hindūšāh Firišta, Dastūr al-aṭibbā’

[Preliminary Entry] Muḥammad Qāsim Hindūšāh Firišta (b. ca. 1570) migrated to India from Astarabad (Iran) when he was a child and is known primarily as an historian. He studied with an Indian teacher known as Caturbhuj-al-Hind and worked at the courts of Ahmadnagar and of Ibrāhīm ‘Ādil Šāh II (r. 1580-1627) of Bijapur. The Dastūr al-aṭibbā’, known also as Iḫtiyārāt-i Qāsimī, is a Persian manual on Indian medicine and pharmacology. The introduction summarizes the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, the first chapter is a dictionary of simple drugs and foods, the second describes compound drugs and the last deals with pathology and treatment.

F. S.


Tehran, Majlis Library, pers. 5521/1.


Main Persian Title: Dastūr al-aṭibbā’
Author: Muḥammad Qāsim Hindūšāh Firišta
Alternative Title(s):
Iḫtiyārāt-i Qāsimī
Approximate period of composition: 1580-1627