[Preliminary Entry] Another Persian rendering of the Sanskrit collection of stories about the semi-historical king Vikrama (in Persian Mss. called Bikramajīt). The Author is Kišandās bin Mulūkčand from Lāhūr. According to Ms. Add 5652, the title is Kišan Bilās (Ms. Berlin: Kišan Pilās; i.e. Sanskrit Kṛṣṇavilāsa).
This work seems to be a rewriting, depending on an earlier version, namely the Singhāsan-Battīsī of ibn Harkaran (or Bisbarāī), which was composed in 1651/52 A.D. The copy in the British Museum Library is the revised and enlarged version of the India Office Library's copy of Kišan Bilās.
The author states that it is a translation from a hindavī source.
(Ms. Berlin, fol 2a-b)
ذره حقیر کشنداس ابن مملوکچند تنبولی ساکن دارالسطنت لاهور آن که ناقلان بلاغت دثار و راویان شکر گفتار این داستان را به لقب هندوی سنگهاسن بتیسی نام نهاده و مشمل است بر سی و دو حکایت از زبان هندوی بزبان فارسی ترجمه نموده نام این داستان کشن بلاس نهادند.
v) Information on colophon; vi) Description of miniatures/illustrations; vii) Other remarks; viii) Information on catalogue(s)
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Sprenger collection Ms. Or. quart 257, 181 ff.;
, viii)
Pertsch 1888, pp. 1035-6
London, India Office Library, 1989, 80 ff.;
, viii)Ethé 1903, p. 1107
.London, British Museum, Add. 5652, 140 ff.;
, viii)Rieu 1881, p. 763
.French translation: Le Trône Enchanté, Conte Indien traduit du Persan, Lescallier, New York, Imprimerie J. Desnoues, 1817.
Pertsch, Wilhelm, 1888, Verzeichniss der Persischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin.
Rieu, Charles, 1881, Catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in the British Museum, II, London.
Ethé, Hermann, 1903-1937, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, Oxford, India Office (3 vols.).
Main Persian Title: | Kišan Bilās |
English Translation of Main Persian Title: | The thirty-two Tales of the Lion-throne |
Translator: | Kišandās ibn Mulūkčand-i Tanbūlī |
Original Sources: |
Other Persian texts quoting this Original Source: Singhāsan-Battīsī (1), Ḫirad-afzā, Šāhnāma or Singhāsanbattīsī. |
Alternative Title(s): |
Singhāsan Battīsī
Incipit: | حمد خداوند سرایم نخست تا شود این نامه بنامش درست. قادر اول بوجود و قدم نه بوجودی که بود از عدم |
Place: | Lahore |