Gītā-Subodhinī | Monography or Translations of unknown period | Survey | Perso-Indica

Monography or Translations of unknown period

[Preliminary Entry] A Persian adaptation of the Bhagavadgītā and a commentary on the text that the Bodleian catalogue identifies as Subodhanī ( Sachau - Ethe 1889, vol. 1, no. 1321).

A. T.


i) Place of copying; ii) Period of copying; iii) Copyist; iv) Commissioner;
v) Information on colophon; vi) Description of miniatures/illustrations; vii) Other remarks; viii) Information on catalogue(s)

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodleian Oriental 683

, ii)

20 November, 1822

, viii)

Sachau - Ethe 1889, vol. 1, no. 1321



Sachau, Eduard - EtheErnest, 1889, Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindustani, and Pushtu Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Vol. 1, Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Main Persian Title: Gītā-Subodhinī
English Translation of Main Persian Title: Enlightening Commentary on the Gita
Original Sources:

سپاس بیقیاس مرمبدعی را که ابداع وافنای این عالم بل صد هزار چنین عالم بیک کرشمه