Rāmāyan of Candarman Kāyath ibn Shrī Rām | Monography or Translations of known period | Epic | Survey | Perso-Indica


Monography or Translations of known period
Candarman Kāyath ibn Shrī Rām, Rāmāyan of Candarman Kāyath ibn Shrī Rām

[Preliminary Entry] A prose translation of the Rāmāyan was made by Candarman Kāyath ibn Shrī Rām in 1097/1686. The work begins with eight bayts (verses). A Persian note on one manuscript wrongly ascribes the translation to Fayżī (Ethe 1903, no 1964). In addition to the manuscript listed below, Ethe notes a second copy in the Mackenzie Collection.

A. T.

i) Place of copying; ii) Period of copying; iii) Copyist; iv) Commissioner;
v) Information on colophon; vi) Description of miniatures/illustrations; vii) Other remarks; viii) Information on catalogue(s)

London, British Library, IO Islamic 2898

, viii)

Ethe 1903, no 1964



Ethé, Hermann, 1903, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, Oxford, vol. 1.

Main Persian Title: Rāmāyan of Candarman Kāyath ibn Shrī Rām
Translator: Candarman Kāyath ibn Shrī Rām
Original Sources:
Year / Period of Composition: 1097/1686

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